+44 7585 003210

Private Coaching for Individual Clients.
International clients welcomed. Please contact me to arrange your Skype consultation
Do you feel ready for a change of career, but do not know which way to go?
Perhaps you have a feeling for the sector you would like to work in, but would benefit from help in developing realistic but exciting career aspirations, or in preparing your application for a role? Or perhaps you have a job that you love, but would like to explore ways to make more time for personal goals outside of work.
Through my coaching, you will gain insights into what aspects of work you enjoy, and give you satisfaction. You can use these insights to identify options to increase your motivation in your current work situation, to develop realistic, motivating aspirations for your future, and learn how to plan to realise these aspirations.
By focussing your career choices towards aspects of work that you enjoy, and give you satisfaction, and by managing your career as a ‘project’, you will generate a purposeful direction of travel in your career, with exciting, but appropriate aspirations. This will help in targeting appropriate job applications, that you feel excited by, and committed to. This will result in better preparation for these applications, higher success rate in applications, and higher job satisfaction when you get the job!
Coaching can be face to face, by phone or skype, and can be arranged in the day or evening to suit your availability. Please contact me to arrange your career review